A-Z of Me!
It’s only two days until Friday! 🙂 I’m linking up with this adorable linky party to share a bit about me! So fun!! Be sure to click the picture and link up!
App- Teachers Pay Teachers! When the little “Cha-Ching” goes off, it just makes my day! It’s so nice to be able to comment of questions/feedback, etc. I constantly am looking for things to snag for the upcoming week!
Book Character- Pete!
Clipart- I love Doodle Darlins! I use her beginning/ending and word families sets ALL THE TIME. They are perfect graphics for so many things!
Dollar Spot Find- Good lord, do I have to pick only one?! I always grab their plastic bins when they are in the right colors!
Essential to Start Day- Unfortunately, Diet coke. It’s also essential to start mid-day. And then afternoon. And then evening. 🙂
Font- Miss Tina Jumpin Jack. I’m a bit obsessed.
Game- Well, at home it’s Apples to Apples. That game is awesome.
Holiday- Halloween! So fun! They are just so excited. Plus, it’s less stressful, haha. 🙂
Ice Cream- Fro Yo. Yum!
Jewelry- My engagement/wedding ring. I still kinda stare at it like a total goober.
Kidism- One of my littles calls me “Connor.” I just love it.
Location to Travel- Um…my couch. Hahah. I am SUCH a homebody! But, we are hoping to head to Ireland one day soon!
Management- My kiddos this year are so amazing they don’t require much at all! But, I love my Fresh Start Spray! They can use it anytime they are having a rough day and just need a fresh start. It’s magic, ya know! Seriously…it’s just an empty spray bottle hahah. You could add water to it for a fun touch, but I like to just keep it “magic”
Nail Polish- I have like every version/brand of fuschia. I think that’s all I buy! It was even my wedding colors! Not my wedding nails…the actual colors, haha. If my living room could be painted that color without hubs having a nervous breakdown, it would happen!
Open House Idea- Hm…that’s a tough one! Ours is coming up in a few weeks. My principal always likes us to have a slideshow, and I love using PhotoStory for it. It’s so easy!
Pinterest Find- Again, do I have to pick just one?!?!? I am quite proud of everything on my Baby Fever board. All 423 of them!! haha! Funny things is, I really don’t have the fever! I just love baby stuff! And ALL of my friends have caught it BIG TIME, so I love looking for them. Like this…my child WILL do this! You’ve been warned! 🙂
Quote- Just when the caterpillar though the world was over, it became a butterfly. Just love it. It really speaks to a big part of my life. 🙂
Read-Aloud- Well, I already said Pete! We just read Lola the Lollipop Fairy, and Camilla the Cupcake Fairy. They are so fun!! Oh! Or Bad Kitty. I LOVE Bad Kitty.
School Supplies- Binders! I LOVE binders. I don’t know how to be organized without them!
TPT Product- Teaching in High Heel’s MLK Unit. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! I didn’t have to plan anything and my kiddos learned all about him! I’m telling you, it had EVERYTHING.
Unofficial Hobby- Taking naps! 🙂 But, I would say it’s pretty official considering it happens ALOT.
Video Brain Break- I just found this yesterday, and watched it at least 8 times. So sweet. How do you add a video!?!? Haha. I can’t do it!
Way to Spend a Day Off- Um…see U for Unofficial Hobby. 🙂
XTra Special Blog- I LOVE Sarah Cooley. Nothing I ever make is ever half as cute as all of her BRILLIANT ideas. Her phonics ideas are the BEST!!
Yummy Dessert- Fro Yo! I already said that. 🙂 But I’m that serious about it!
Zoo Animal- Hm…well, my little Liam (my 4 year old CAAAARAZY brother) loves the monkeys, so I love taking him to see them. 🙂