Phonics Games and Thanksgiving Freebie
Are you as worn out as me? Man…Thanksgiving break can not come soon enough. We are going to Vegas…I’m SOOOOO excited!!! I have only been once, and I was like 6 years old so I’m pretty sure that doesn’t count.
One of my favorite things during the week is working with some of my struggling babes. We get 30 minutes a day for RTI tutoring, plus after school tutoring twice a week. To be honest, my kiddos this year are pretty high. What I am doing as intervention with these guys is what I was doing with my whole class last year! I’m super lucky. It actually makes me wonder if I want to teach kinder soon…I really love teaching cvc words, sight words, and the beginning of reading. My littles are past that…it feels AMAZING, but I definitely love that intervention time where I get to work on some of my favorite things. 🙂
My after school tutoring group is pretty high…they are already really good about cvc words, so we have been focusing on digraphs. We made this fun little book to help practice sorting digraphs.
Then, we practiced reading digraph words. I am in LOVE with my bingo dobbers I ordered from Amazon. We use them every time I meet with my intervention groups!
We also spend about 5 minutes working on our phonics puzzles. They love them, it gives me a few seconds to make sure I have everything ready, and it helps them understand the importance of walking through the whole word and hearing/writing the sounds in order.
I also just finished up my Gobble! Gobble! pack to use this week! Thank goodness! It’s what my kiddos will be working on while I meet with my intervention groups. I’ll give it away to the first 3 people to leave their email address! 🙂