Parent Conferences Made Easy!


Hi friends! How are you?!? Things are finally calming down around here! I feel like I can catch my breathe, and my kiddos and I are in a rhythm! It’s a loud, chaotic rhythm but it IS a rhythm! 🙂 I’m stopping by with some freebies and some ideas for you!
First, I can’t believe I haven’t thought of this before. Seriously…this has made my life SOO much easier. In the past, I have always sent a sign up list home with my parents to sign up for conferences. It still works great and I will still be using that some but I’m trying this first! I sent out a link to a Google Doc and allowed parents to choose their chosen time.


Here’s all you need to do!




My parents are loving it, and I had over half of them signed up by the very next day! I do realize that this has a flaw…parents could erase one name and put theirs. But I really don’t think that would happen…at least very often. Plus, I just check it every few hours and it’s easy to see if there was a change!
Now…for the actual parent conference, I made this little packet for my kiddos to fill out so we could discuss. 🙂 It was really eye opening for me too! I like to think I know my kiddos pretty well, but I was surprised by some of their answers!!
It’s editable so you can type your own rules! 🙂 Just click the picture to grab your copy!


Finally be sure to check out this product in my store! It’s packed full of goodies for Parent Conferences!!
Have a great weekend!! 🙂

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