Painting With a Purpose

Hi friends! I wanted to drop by and share about one of the best nights EVER! If you follow me, you know that I LOVE Painting with a Twist. Probably the only thing I love more than PWAT is volunteering. When I found out about Painting with a Purpose I was thrilled and wanted to do one immediately! Each studio does it a bit differently, but they give 50-100% of the class proceeds to a specific charity. Incredible right?!

Painting With a Purpose Haley O'Connor

A few months ago, I decided I wanted to do meet local teachers and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I decided to work with Communities in Schools because it’s such an amazing organization. I actually begin my mentoring with 2 of their kiddos this week and I couldn’t be more excited!

Communities in Schools has local branches in tons of cities and school districts. They have on-campus coordinators that facilitate mentors during the school day or an after school program. All of the students served are considered “Drop-Out Risk” for various reasons. Most of them come from poverty and have family members that have dropped out. There are tons of factors that would qualify a student to be in the program, and they serve kinder-12th grade students. Currently, I am volunteering with Communities in Schools North Texas. You can find your local affiliate here. If you are a teacher with a CIS program at your school, I’d love to hear about in the comments!

I started advertising a few months ago, and I wasn’t nervous at all. Until yesterday and all of a sudden I panicked! I was so nervous about people enjoying themselves, meeting new people, having enough food, and basically everything else! I even sent some of my friends a frantic snapchat!

My best friends Brooke and Brittany helped me plan all the food and get everything set up! So, so thankful for them!

Snacks at Paint Night

Snacks at Paint Night 2

Kindness Matters Table

Princess from Teach, Love, Cupcakes came to join us too!

Haley Brittany Brooke and Princess

My mom came to the class too, and as soon as we saw each other, we bust out laughing! Everyone jokes about how much alike we are, but this was just ridiculous! We both wore white tshirts, jeans, big earrings and leopard print flats, hahaha!

Haley and Shannon

I got to share all about my website and TPT store, as well as all the amazing work that Communities in Schools does!

Haley Presenting

About half way through the night, I got do hold a GIANT check and take a picture! DREAM COME TRUE! I mean, how fun is this HUGE check?? Haley with Big Chedck

Huge Check with Group

We painted a mason jar and Amber (the Volunteer Director at CIS) had the hilarious idea of labeling hers the Cuss Jar, hah!

Brittany Painting Cuss Jar Group Shot

And finally, here’s my painting!

Mason Jar Painting

If you want to plan your own Painting With a Purpose, it’s super easy! You don’t have to work for the charity to do it…you just have to work with them to get all the necessary forms and information. 🙂 It was truly SO easy and we were able to donate over $500 to an amazing organization!

1. Contact your local Painting with a Twist and set a date

2. Send the necessary forms from the non-profit you’re supporting

3. Promote the class and invite all your friends!

4. Have an amazing time painting with your best friends and raising money

5. Take pictures with a giant check (the best part)

6. Go home and feel proud of the money you raised!

Happy Painting!

Painting With a Purpose Fundraiser Haley OConnor

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