#6-Teaching about Staying Healthy

Good morning, parents! My name is Jessica Tobin and I’m the blogger over at Elementary Nest. Haley is one of my dearest friends, so I was so excited and eager to help out with her blog series all about helping you guys tackle this new experience. The last few days, Haley has brought you ideas for online learning, COVId discussions, and other family activities. I’m going to be bringing you some healthy ideas for you and your kiddos. Specifically, I’m going to share ways to teach your children to stay healthy and keep germs away. Last week, I blogged about these same topics on how to stay healthy in the classroom, but I’m revamping it for parents and children at home! There are links to three BrainPop videos. Currently, BrainPop is allowing free access to their videos for at-home learning. Take advantage to watch and learn while they’re free!

Teach Kids to Wash Their Hands

It may not seem like the type of thing you have to teach your child to do step-by-step. But handwashing is something that needs to be taught just like adding and subtracting. The 20-second rule is very important to focus on as well. At the end of this blog post, there’s a FREEBIE flip book to help teach your students how to wash their hands.

BrainPopJr. video for Washing Hands

Brain Pop Jr. Hand Washing Link

BrainPopJr. is my go-to for any science or social studies topic. They have a fantastic video all about washing hands. It put the technique and process into kid-friendly terms. Also, it discusses the importance of preventing the spread of germs throughout their classroom and home.

Teach the Elbow Trick

You may think that sneezing into one’s elbow is just common-knowledge or second nature. But students need to be taught the correct way to sneeze! Just like with hand-washing, you should teach students how to sneeze and revisit multiple times a year. When students feel a sneeze coming on, it’s important they try to sneeze into the nook of their elbow to block as much fluid flying into the air as possible. Girl sneezing into her elbow

Teach Your Kiddo to Take Health Seriously

Easier said than done when you’re a busy parent… but it’s important to keep yourself healthy! Exercise, healthy eating, drinking enough water, and trying to prevent stress are all ways to try to keep yourself as healthy as can be. Wash your hands throughout the day often and be cognizant of any germ-spreading activities you can avoid. This is important to teach your child, too! Have discussions throughout the day about consuming healthy foods and drinking enough water. Maybe have a water challenge in the family to see which family member can consume their suggested ounces of water the entire week! Mental health is also vital right now, too. Try having daily check-ins with your children about how they’re feeling emotionally. See if they’re having any anxieties about the virus. Check to make sure they’re not harboring any fears.

Brain Pop Jr: Colds and Flu

Stay Active!

Even if you’re in a situation like we’re in currently (COVID), keep your kiddos active. Give them daily play time outside. It is suggested that children need at least 60 minutes of active time a day. If your child is not sick, make sure they’re staying active to try to keep their immune system up!

BrainPop Jr Exercise

Wash Anything That Goes to School/Events/Play Dates

Whether you’re in the middle of cold season, flu season, or COVID outbreak, keep all your children’s belongings clean and sanitized. If they carry a backpack and lunchbox to school daily, many can be scrubbed with soap and hot water. If you have access to a washing machine, throw their backpack on the gentle cycle. If you do this once every other month, or once a month during sick seasons, it can help prevent germ spreading!

Free Hand-Washing Flip Book

This free flip book introduces how to wash students hands! It has a short reading passage with step by step instructions on the correct way to wash hands. Then, there is a follow-up comprehension questions set, an ordering activity, and a writing page. Download that here.

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