Listen, Love, Learn

Happy Sunday. We have had a BUSY weekend!! But, I managed to post my 120th day packet! Super excited! Most of my little ones did the 100th day in Kinder, and we kind of did it in my room. But, I wanted this to be super different for them. Soooo…it’s rock star themed! Instead of dressing up like little old people, we will be dressing up like ROCK STARS! 120th Day Rock Stars of course! 🙂


And now on to the fun stuff…Linky Party over at Primary Possibilities!! I love that their blog is a group of teachers. Super great idea!


My little ones this year are so good…I’ve said it before, but really…just amazing. Most of them listen just because I’m talking, haha, they are just awesome like that. But, if I notice a few eyes are wandering, hands are fidgeting, etc. I send one of my great listeners over the clip chart to move their clip up for being such a great example! That gets their attention SUPER fast. Last year my sweet babies were just the opposite. Like, my classroom should have been called the Lewisville Zoo. So Power Pellets came to the rescue. Instead of just sending good listeners to the Clip Chart, they got a Power Pellet (SKITTLE!!). It is amazing what they would do for one little skittle. I also just try to be really silly for my kids. We really are friends…and a family…and friends laugh together, act silly together, and learn together. If they start acting bored, I throw in a funny story, say something totally ridiculous, or just make a fool of myself. This ALWAYS gets their attention and we can get right back to learning. 🙂

OH MY WORD. I wish this was the LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE linky because there are so many things in my life that I love! 🙂 But right now…I am really loving our sweet puppy, Tucker.


And also, I am loving some chips and salsa. I am pretty much always either enjoying chips and salsa, or thinking about WHEN I can enjoy some chips and salsa. 🙂

Um…what do I NOT want to learn about?? I have a list of so many things I want to study more over the summer. We haven’t been able to do as much Prof. Dev. this year, and it’s breaking my heart! I really want to learn more about Whole Brain Teaching. It’s all over my favorite blogs, Pinterest, and I have done a bit of research, but it hasn’t really hit us yet as hard as it has other places. I LOVE everything I have learned about it so far, so I would really like to learn more! Head on over to Primary Possibilities to link up!!



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