Thanksgiving Freebies
Hi friends! Tomorrow is Picture Day and I should have been in bed like 2 hours ago, hahah! But I just couldn’t wait to share these freebies and wanted to make sure you had enough time to use them!
First, it’s not really a freebie…just an idea! A few weeks ago…I had my little ones make turkeys without a template or anything. We did a directed crafting, I guess you could say. 🙂 We hung them up in our hallway, and they have been writing thank you notes for the past few weeks. It was a fun twist on writing things they are thankful for…they will get to take their turkeys home on Friday right before our break! We have been working hard on showing gratitude and thankfulness and being able to go out in the hallway and write thank you notes has been the coolest thing ever to my sweet little nuggets!
The past few weeks, we have been working hard on Character Traits with fiction books! Here are 2 anchor charts we have used alot!
Yesterday, we read The Littlest Pilgrim and talked about Mimi’s character traits!
After that, they worked independently to describe Mimi! They did SUCH a good job.
You can grab that sheet by clicking on the picture below! 🙂
In Math, we are working hard on addition and subtraction story problems.

You can grab these story problems by clicking on the picture!