My Favorite Digital Resources
I can’t believe we are coming up on almost 2 years of virtual learning. This pandemic has tested us in so many ways, and I wish I could offer more support to every single one of you. I wish I could write your lesson plans for you, and give you a well deserved mental health day. You deserve a BREAK.
Even though I can’t offer you these things, I HOPE I can offer you ideas and lesson plans to lessen the load. I wanted to share a few of my favorite digital resources to hopefully save you some time and brain power.
Self-Control Social Emotional Lessons and Activities
I think self-control is one of the hardest and MOST needed social emotional skills. As our students (and teachers) are under more and more stress, its even harder to manage their big feelings and emotions.
In this unit, I walk you through 4 lessons to teach your students about having self-control in a way that’s respectful and positive. Your students will walk away with skills you can refer back to and that will hopefully help them be more successful throughout their lives.
Each of the activities has a print and a digital version. This allows you to plan your lessons ahead of time, without having to change if you switch to virtual learning.
You can grab your copy of this resource HERE. All of my Social Emotional units are set up the same way, so they are super easy to use as a teacher AND a student.

Digital Assessments
In order to provide the most accurate instruction, it’s so important that we have easy to use and accurate assessments. I created these assessments using the 1st grade common core and TEKS. HOWEVER, they cover basic skills and they would still be beneficial to use in kinder and 2nd grade classrooms, depending on your students.

Number Sense Activities
Number Sense is such an important building block for success in math, science, and all future academics. They more we can support them in understanding how numbers work and what they mean, the more successful they’ll be!
It can be extra challenging to teach math remotely, but having engaging tools can make it a little less daunting.
The great thing about this resource is that it can be used over and over. I even created a fun “dice” for students to use while they work on these activities. You can provide smaller numbers for students who are still working on the skills or larger numbers for students who are ready for a challenge.
This resource can be used in Microsoft or Google, depending on your district. You can also upload the slides to Seesaw. Students use color codes to put the numbers on the slides and then use them in the activities.

What digital resources would be most helpful for you? I’d love to know!