Fun with Data and Graphs

We spent the whole past week in Math on Collecting, and Organizing Data!ย ๐Ÿ™‚ This week, we are focusing on using Graphs to collect information. ย It’s going to be more challenging, so I’m glad we had such a fun weekย exploring and making graphs to show our Data! Here are some of theย highlights. ๐Ÿ™‚


We started our week with this fun little graph from my Zombie Data pack. My babies wrote their names on Post Its and chose their Favorite Zombie. It was a super easy way to introduce bar graphs. It’s kinda hard in my room, to get a really good graph, because I only have 11 kids. Haha. Poor me, right?! ๐Ÿ™‚ But that’s why our graph is a little simple looking. After that, we counted up zombie cards and put them on a bar graph.


We used this page to count them. I taught them to cross them out once they used them. This actually ended up being a good review for counting 1:1 accurately.

After that, we asked our favorites how they felt about Zombies. We used a survey sheet that I will share in a bit. ๐Ÿ™‚ Then, they made Pictographs to show their information. Some of their data wasn’t the same, so I’m guessing that’s because their friends kept changing how they felt about Zombies haha. We had to have a discussion about that after. Definitely should have done that BEFORE! ๐Ÿ™‚




After that, we introduced Tally Marks. I made a little anchor chart and taught them the chant “1…2…3…4…Number 5 shuts the door.” To be honest, though, most of them ended up saying “1, 2, 3, 4, CROSS.” That works too! ๐Ÿ™‚ We made this little popsicle stick tallies to practice. First, the glued as many tally marks as they wanted…I just wanted them practicing putting them in groups of 5 correctly. After they were done, they counted them for me, and I put the number in glue. They added the glitter. There is no reason for this, hahaha, but they love it so we did it. ๐Ÿ™‚ It worked out great because I was able to informally assess who was able to skip count by 5s, who was still counting by 1s, and who just needed counting help.


After we had done all of these activities, I taught the different types of graphs. They had a little bit of experience with all of them, so I knew they were ready to see the similarities/differences. This anchor chart is nothing exciting, but it definitely gives the info they need!

Finally, we did a little survey. I had like 4 surveys, and they chose what they wanted to ask their friends. Questions like “Ice Cream or Cookies?,” “Halloween or Christmas?” etc. I gave them a sheet with all their friends name so I could teach them how to make sure they got everyone’s opinion.


Then, they chose how they wanted to show their data on a graph. A LOT of them went back to the anchor chart to remember how to make each type.





They only one no one chose was a Tally Chart. I’m not sure why, but I was just proud of what they created on their own! Super awesome graphs. ๐Ÿ™‚ To wrap up the unit, I headed over to TPT to find a fun Glyph that we could make and then analyze. Thank you Primary Paradise!!We used her ADORABLE Snowman Glyph! It was the first time I had done a Glyph with this group. It was super fun! We did have to talk about choosing what answered the questions and not which one you liked best, haha. Click the picture to head over to her TPT store!

Here are our adorable glyphs!

After that, we used our glyphs to fill out bar graphs.


We had a graph for each part of the glyph, so I think there was 6 of them. Really…this was an awesome find! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you so much, Tammy! Happy Sunday! ๐Ÿ™‚

Click the picture to head over to TPT and grab it! ๐Ÿ™‚

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